last month i successfully packed twenty-four years of my life into many boxes and moved into a flat with my boyfriend, jack, and now we're finally (almost) settled and i am well and truly saddled up and back on the ol' freelance horse. hello again!
and so, for now, here's a few bits and bobs that i have been working on...(what's that? a blog post that has no real narrative and is just a mish-mash of drawings? what a surprise).
here's a bonkers thing: i was shortlisted with a few other artists to potentially help with the rebrand of one of my favourite magicians/comedians/mythical creature
piff the magic dragon (i was lucky enough to catch his show at the edinburgh fringe last year - he is truly daft and puts on a wonderfully grumpy performance - please do look him up if you don't know of him). nothing has been confirmed yet & it probably won't happen but to be emailed was enough. very chuffed! the above illustration was a sample i submitted.

i was also approached by
euston estate, as they needed to update their logo (their current one can be seen on their website...)
as it turned out, my style wasn't what they were after so unfortunately i couldn't see the job through to the end (can't win 'em all, eh!) but this is one example of what i produced for them.
finally for now:
mentor me. this is a project that not only am i involved in (as one of the mentors), but have also had a part to play in the branding of it. marc of
the creative co-op asked me to design the logo as well as the hand-drawn type that accompanies the mentor photographs on the website. this is a seriously lovely and important project to be a part of, and i'm very grateful that i am.