Monday, 25 February 2013


february has been one of those strange months that you expect to be really quiet and then everything sneaks up on you and you suddenly find yourself at the end of the month thinking what the hell just happened and why is my face so grey. my day job has been manic, and my freelancing has been manic. i can't complain, being this busy leaves me feeling exhausted but extremely content at feeling like i've actually accomplished something.

so let me show you what i've been working on this month. the illustration above is taken from a project i started working on with matthew knight called the a-z of technology. the project is a blog collaboration, wherein each week matthew writes an article on a particular technology, and i illustrate it.

ABOVE: here's a cheeky little flyer i made for them lovely boys over at ice breaker promotions. yes, i'm hugely biased, but they've been successfully hosting gigs for and promoting local and student bands for over two years now, that one must give credit where credit's due.

ABOVE: a fun logo i was asked to create for crafty up-cyclers cheeky tiki island. their creations are beautiful, daft and completely unique, i highly recommend a little visit!

ABOVE: le gasp! a tiny preview of a private commission i was asked to make earlier this month. that's all you're getting of that one for now ;)

ABOVE: something a little way away from my usual illustration produced for a 2-in-1 split poster design for lakeside theatre. see the full poster design here on my portfolio.

ABOVE: lastly for now, a little character from a big project i've just begun with elves and ovens, as part of a brand overhaul.

as well as that, in the last week i have also taken on two other projects, one branding/logo based and the other band merch based, but i'll wait until i've finished them to show them off :) thank you for reading - phew!

Sunday, 3 February 2013


i recently watched the first season of new girl frightening quickly. i am in love with jess day's wardrobe and attitude towards life. i doodled her quickly this morning as a warm up illustration.