jen of hellojenuine suggested i partake in the 'what i wore today' drawing group, as i needed a daily drawing exercise to get the ol' juices flowing again. i've only just got round to digging out my scanner so here is what i wore on september 14th.
twelve invitations i made for the return of my favourite week-long party, where we spend seven days making dens, sliding down stairs in sleeping bags and watching old episodes of sonic the hedgehog. love it.
i drew the new flyer for colchester nightclub mind your own business. last time i went they played johnny cash, and i literally don't think you can get better than that!
two weeks off with almost guaranteed sunshine and i have a to-do list so long that i honestly don't know where to begin! i am excited and terrifed.
four of us chipped in & bought our best friend a bicycle for her 21st birthday. once we'd given it to her we went & sat on a field & ate strawberries, it was ever so lovely :)